
This blog contains thoughts, observations and comments from my experiences past, present and future in the field of special education and Conductive Education. I welcome your input please feel free to comment on anything you read here!

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Sunday, January 30, 2011

What are the limitations of CE?

So I was chatting away with a colleague this week after completing another consultation with a child who while may not have been considered 'typical' of the clientele we see in CE could be a possible candidate for our school and the point came up as it frequently does these days...where do we draw the line?
Can CE help anyone with motoric challenges?

The the question becomes can we in good conscience turn anyone away from our doors, especially knowing the quality of educational establishments currently available to this particular population? (I wish to stress here that I am not criticising other schools or philosophies but I do feel that CE can offer many unique qualities, all within one unified setting).

The clients I am currently seeing come to our doors (especially children) are certainly not the clients CE would have seen 40, 20 even 10 years ago.  This is of course mainly due to medical advances, but I would also like to think it is because of an increased optimism for the abilities and prospects for these children, and also because or an increase, however slight, in the general visibility of CE around the world!

So back to the original questions..what are the limitations of CE and can we help anyone??

I like to believe the answer to this is yes!  I like to believe that CE is such an effective method and philosophy that while limitations will obviously exist, we have the ability to be able to help any individual become more orthofunctional.
Now to the crux of the matter...how will integrating or not integrating these individuals into our environment impact the CE environment???? 
And here is the sticking point for me. 
Do we give these individuals one-on-one sessions?  Not idea by our methodology.
Do we integrate them fully and if so, is it even possible to provide enough differentiation to keep the group cohesive and yet provide sufficient facilitation for all within the group??

I am thinking on my feet here people!!!!  But tell me in all honesty can you truly look a desperate parent or caregiver in the face and tell them it is hopeless!  That there is no helping their child! That CE an education renowned for finding an individuals strengths, when no one else can, and developing their skills from that base, cannot handle their child!??

I understand that there are limitations to CE..but I do not have a crystal ball!  I am unable to predict where any individual will be in 2, 5, 10 years.  I could never have predicted that I would be here 10 years ago and who knows me better than I do???

And so I sit, pouring over this consultation report..seeing this child's strengths.  Their determination, their positive attitude and the spark in their eye which hints at the intelligence and understanding trapped inside and I can't for the life of me say no!  Am I wrong???

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Which door leads to certain doom?

With the introduction of a new component to the conductive program in New York I am left with questions of the direction in which a program currently labelled as a CE program is taking.
The addition to our program comes in the form of a communication program titled Communican. This program is designed by Pati King DeBaun and is for non verbal children with physical disabilities. It focuses on finding access methods and allowing students to communicate as easily as possible. In order for them to be successful communicators however requires seating and positioning that is not generally seen within a CE environment.
And so the dilemma!
I have seen with my own eyes the success of this program. Children who have been struggling for years to communicate the simplest needs and wants are now able to not only do that but also initiate conversations in social settings.
Who am I to place their physical needs above their social, communicative and even academic skills! Surely being able to interact with your environment is as important if not more so that being able to physically explore it!
But now what do we call our program?? Yes there are definite CE components still in place. Each day consists of a 2-3 hour CE session. Lunchtimes and transitions are conductive.
Academic and social communication times are conducted in best seating and best access positioning and (heaven forbid!) this is often in wheelchairs!
Are we wrong?
I believe we are producing an amazing program which is already demonstrating fantastic success. But in the interest of false advertising it needs a new title! Hybrid program was one suggestion. Special Education and Communication Program using the philisophy of CE could be another is slightly long winded idea. Possibly a communication program with sessional CE??
I don't know the answer and while the program is here to stay we need to consider the view from the outside world and not be a part of the co tinned campaign to muddy the waters of the CE world.

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