
This blog contains thoughts, observations and comments from my experiences past, present and future in the field of special education and Conductive Education. I welcome your input please feel free to comment on anything you read here!

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Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Communican Program Part 2: Implementation

So it's been a year now of running our Communican program and I am so glad that I came to the decision to allow the students to sit in supported seating for their communication and academics. As a teacher it has been the most amazing experience for me, I have gone from teaching a severely restricted curriculum with closed form choices for answers and multiple choice responses; to enabling the students to answer open ended questions and formulate their own independent thoughts and ideas and then successfully express these to the class.
It has been a year filled with hard work, professional dilemmas and a steep learning curve and it has been one of the most productive academic and communicative years I have ever had the privilege to teach!
We now use our communication book throughout the entire morning session with class 1 and the entire afternoon session with class 2. We then integrate the book as and when we can through the CE portion of the day.

The communication book (actually 3 books in total) mimics the way that a high tech communication device works. The student scans through the book with the help of their communication partner.  When the student hears and sees the icon they want they activate a voice output device using a switch or if they are not in supported seating using a 'best yes' (this is a movement or sound of their choosing that represents 'yes').
The communication partner is basically simulating the computer/communication device and does not  (if at all possible) direct the students choices.
Many icons or choices lead the student to different pages in the book until they get to a phrase or statement they wish to make. 
As well as conversation the communication book allows the student to spell words using the entire alphabet, create numbers using a number line, as well as write sentences using sentence starters (I see, I want, I am going, etc), little words  (a, to the, with, and. etc) and core words (I, he, my, she, me they, you, we etc).
Using the core words the students are learning to read simple primer and pre-primer reading books.  They read the books silently and then navigate to the core word pages where they can select the words they have just read.
I am continually amazed by the students knowledge of the communication book. They are navigating the pages with increasing confidence and are finding multiple paths to the same choices.  The students have picked up the book far faster than the adults in the class!!

Now as we enter year two of our curriculum we are able to focus less on how the book is used and more on the academics and curriculum we wish the students to learn.  They are beginning to construct grammatically correct sentences, write short paragraphs, books and projects. As well as answer questions and make independent comments. 
I am almost learning to get to know my student all over again as the book allows them to express themselves in ways that have never been open to them before.  Their personalities are showing through in new and exciting ways as they are able to express their sense of humor, their individual views as well as their fears and concerns.
I am more excited than ever to see where this years curriculum will take us and as we introduce more high tech communication devices into the classroom, what new possibilities await these amazing students.